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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand FS
Model XGS-ONU-25-20NI
ODM Product Code XG-99S
Chipset Cortina CA8271A
Flash MX35LF1GE4AB 128MB
CPU Taroko V0.2 (MIPS)
CPU Clock 500MHz
Bootloader SATURN uboot
System Custom Linux by Cortina (Saturn SDK) based on Kernel 4.4 Saturn-sfpplus-r1
2.5GBaseX Yes
Optics SC/APC
IP address
Web Gui  
Serial baud 115200
Serial encoding 8-N-1
Form Factor miniONT SFP
XGS-ONU-25-20NI front plate
XGS-ONU-25-20NI front plate
XGS-ONU-25-20NI internal
XGS-ONU-25-20NI internal layout


The stick has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the SFP connector, but no components are mounted.

The UART can be accessed by any of the following methods.

  • Touch the needle to a specific point
  • Shorting a specific pad to access from SFP

Access from PCB

The UART can be accessed by connecting a wire or touching a needle to the following points.

XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Touch point
XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Touch point

Access from SFP

By shorting these two points with solder, you can access the UART from SFP pins 2 and 7.

USB - TTL Adapter SFP Connector (Molex, etc)
Vcc (3.3V) pin #15 , #16
TX pin #7
RX pin #2
GND pin #10
XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Short point
XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Short point
XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART solder bridge
XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART solder bridge

Firmware is interchangeable with

The firmware is compatible with the following.

  • CIG XG-99S
  • CIG XE-99S (10G-EPON mode)

List of software versions

Available from #ONT/system>ontver build and #ONT/system/shell>cat /etc/version.

  • R4.4.20.016 (from docs)
  • R4.4.20.018 - 20230426061821
  • R4.4.20.022 - 20230612033149

List of partitions

dev size erasesize name
mtd0 00040000 00020000 “ssb”
mtd1 00002000 00020000 “uboot-env”
mtd2 00002000 00020000 “dtb0”
mtd3 0003c000 00020000 “kernel0”
mtd4 00300000 00020000 “rootfs0”
mtd5 004c0000 00020000 “dtb1”
mtd6 00300000 00020000 “kernel1”
mtd7 004c0000 00020000 “rootfs1”
mtd8 00001000 00020000 “userdata”
mtd9 00001000 00020000 “mfginfo1”
mtd10 00001000 00020000 “mfginfo2”
mtd11 00001000 00020000 “uboot-env2”

This ONT supports dual boot.

kernel0 and rootfs0 respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, kernel1 and rootfs1 the kernel and the firmware of the second one.

Useful files and binaries

Useful files and binaries


In the XGS-ONU-25-20NI ONT, the settings are loaded by four scfg.txt files. For rewriting settings, /userdata/scfg.txt and /tmp/scfg.txt are used.

  • /config/default_scfg.txt (ReadOnly)
    Contains the manufacturer’s default settings,
    which are read first at ONT startup and are the lowest priority settings.
  • /config/scfg.txt (ReadOnly)
    Contains settings set by the firmware creator,
    which have higher priority than default_scfg.txt and will overwrite the settings if there is a conflict.
  • /userdata/scfg.txt (RW)
    Contains settings set by the user or ISP.
    It has a higher priority than /config/scfg.txt and will overwritte the settings if there is a conflict.
    Can be edited and saved.
  • /tmp/scfg.txt (Can’t Save)
    It contains dynamically generated settings based on values stored on its custom ROM (mtd9, mtd10)
    Since they are generated on tmpfs and cannot be saved directly,
    they are rewritten via the #ONT> system/misc command on the ONT.

The settings are overwritten and loaded at startup with the following priority.

(High) /tmp/scfg.txt > /userdata/scfg.txt > /config/scfg.txt > /config/default_scfg.txt (Low)

Misc Command

To configure settings using the MISC command, execute the following command:

#ONT> system/misc


Login and Enable

This stick does not have a web console. To configure it, you must log in via UART or Telnet.

User Password (Enable Password)
PON S/N 8digit HMAC-MD5 (PON S/N uppercase)

You can use the following form to generate login credentials.

Please provide a valid GPON S/N.

Or you can follow this external documentation on how to emulate the ONT in QEMU, so use it at your own risk.

UART does not ask for a login, it is possible to get a root shell without knowing the password.

Root procedure

After logging in via telnet or UART, you will first get the MiniShell with user privileges.


The root MiniShell can be obtained by executing the enable command on this MiniShell.

ONT> enable

You can then switch to the Linux root shell by executing the following command:

#ONT> system/shell
#ONT/System/Shell> sh

GPON ONU status

Get the operational status of the ONU

Check the ONU Registration State with the following command:

#ONT> traffic/pon/show onu

------------------------- ONU INFO --------------------------

Onu id 65535
sdThreshold:   0
sfThreshold:   0
TO1:   80000
TO2:   1
eqd:   0
Serial Number(vendor code): GPON
Serial Number(sn):          abcd1234
Password:                   30 31 32 33 34 353 36 37 38 39
Registration ID:           0x44454641554c540000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
------------------------- INFO END --------------------------


Check the ONU Operational State with the following command:

#ONT>traffic/pon/show link

 ----------------- LINK STATE -----------------
 Operation State Machine: INIT (O1)
 ----------------- STATE  END -----------------


Get information of the OLT vendor

OLT information can be extracted from the MIB with the following command:

#ONT>system/mib/show 131
Table Oltg, Olt-g, total 1 instances

EntityID                  = 0x0000
VendorId                  = ""
EquipmentId               = ""
Version                   = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
TimeOfDay                 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Querying a particular OMCI ME

You can browse the MIB with the following command:

#ONT> system/mib

Show a list of MIBs supported by ONT

#ONT/system/mib> show
This command prints out the content of a mib table.
Usage: show CLASSID
      the class ID of the ME, defined in 983.2/984.4, currently
the following MEs are supported:
ClassID  Name            Desc
256      Ontg            Ont-g

Show a specific MIB

For example, to display MIB 256 (Ont-g):

#ONT/system/mib>show 256
Table Ontg, Ont-g, total 1 instances

EntityID                  = 0x0000
VID                       = "GPON"
Version                   = 58 47 2d 39 39 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SerialNum                 = 47 50 4f 4e ab cd 12 34
TraffMgtOpt               = 2
AtmCCOpt                  = 0
BatteryBack               = 1
AdminState                = 0
OpState                   = 0
OnuSurvivalTime           = 0
Loid                      = ""
Password                  = ""
AuthState                 = 0
OntState                  = 1


Dump of a MIB

Output a dump of mib to /tmp/mibdump.txt

#ONT/system/mib> dump
MIB is saved to the file /tmp/mibdump.txt.

Getting Speed LAN Mode

LAN Speed Mode can be verified from the Status column displayed by the following command:

#ONT>traffic/eth/show pack

build time Apr 26 2023: 06:23:15

-------------------- Line Pack -- PWR 0X0      --
Line Slot 10, NumOfPorts 1, type 49, subtype 75, state 2
-------------------- Configuration -------------------
port | enable | loop | Mode | RL Type | RL Us Rate| RL Ds Rate|
1       Yes     No      Auto            0       0       0

-------------------- Status -------------------
1) link state: Up, link mode: 2.5G Full

-------------------- Bridge Pack -------------------
Type:       75
State:      2
MAC Table:  0
MAC Aging:  0
MTU:        0
-------------------- Chip Data -------------------
eth Fd:         7
port Mask:      0x0018
type            28

********** DEBUG INFO **********
                 EmrLogId  : 5
               EmrAdminEn  : 0
              EmrbeInited  : 1
              EmrDumpConn  : 0
             EmrPwrShedEn  : 0x0
           EmrConnItemNum  : 0
         EmrUsDsReverseEn  : 1
       EmrConnAllVidCheck  : 0
      EmrMcastGemVlanOpEn  : 1
       gEmrSaveConnItemEn  : 1
      gEmrMcastCrossVlanEn : 1
    EmrUniExtractPriMatch  : 1

GPON/OMCI settings

XGS-ONU-25-20NI ONT uses scfg.txt file and misc command for configuration.

Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

This setting must be changed with the misc binary and the eqsn set "GPONabcd1234" command. For example, if the SN is like GPONabcd1234 (47504f4eabcd1234):

#ONT/system/misc> eqsn set "GPONabcd1234"

The get command can also be used to retrieve the configured PON S/N.

#ONT/system/misc> eqsn get
eqsn: GPONabcd1234

Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

This setting must be changed with the misc binary and the exeep_w8 "0123456789" command. For example, if the PLOAM password is like 0123456789:

#ONT/system/misc> exeep_w8 "0123456789"

The exeep_r8 command can also be used to retrieve the configured PLOAM password.

#ONT/system/misc> exeep_r8
[00, 000] 44 45 46 41 55 4c 54 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     |  DEFAULT......
[10, 016] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     |  .............
[20, 032] 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[30, 048] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[40, 064] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[50, 080] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[60, 096] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[70, 112] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[80, 128] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[90, 144] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[a0, 160] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[b0, 176] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[c0, 192] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[d0, 208] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[e0, 224] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[f0, 240] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff 15 91 f3 9f     |  ............k

Getting/Setting ONU GPON LOID

This setting must be changed with the scfg.txt, in the key CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID. For add Loid username we add the following line to /userdata/scfg.txt

CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID = { 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX };

For example, if the Loid is like 0123456:

CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID = { 0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33, 0x34,0x35,0x36,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };

Getting/Setting ONU GPON LOID password

This setting must be changed with the misc binary and the pon_passwd set 0123456789" command. For example, if the Loid password is like 0123456789:

#ONT/system/misc> pon_passwd set 0123456789

The get command can also be used to retrieve the configured Loid password.

#ONT/system/misc> pon_passwd get
eqsn: 01234567890000000000

Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)

This setting must be changed with the misc binary and the eqvid set abc123" command. For example, if the hardware version is like abc123:

#ONT/system/misc> eqvid set "abc123"

The get command can also be used to retrieve the configured hardware version.

#ONT/system/misc> eqvid get
eqvid: abc123

Getting/Setting OMCI vendor ID (ME 256)

This setting must be changed with the misc binary and the vendor set GPON" command. For example, if the Vendor is like GPON:

#ONT/system/misc> vendor set "GPON"

The get command can also be used to retrieve the configured PON S/N Vendor field.

#ONT/system/misc> vendor get
vendor: GPON

In this ONT, the MIB OntG Vendor can be set to a value different from the S/N Vendor value. example,

#ONT/system/misc> eqsn get
eqsn: GPONabcd1234
#ONT/system/misc> vendor get
vendor: ZTEG

Advanced settings

See the link below for other MiniShell commands.

Transferring files to the stick

stick’s busybox (Linux shell) supports netcast and tftp, which allow to send and receive files.

# tar cf - localfile | nc remotehost-ip 10000
# tftp -r remotefile.bin -g remotehost-ip

Backup of all partition

To obtain a backup, use the dd command to save it on /tmp, or use the cat command to transfer it via netcast.

# dd if=/dev/mtdX of=/tmp/mtdX.bin
# tftp -l /tmp/mtdX.bin -r remotehost-ip
# cat /dev/mtdX | nc remotehost-ip 10000

When partition writing to the stick, use the flash command set. (Do not write with the dd command because ecc is enabled)

# flash_eraseall /dev/mtdX
# flashcp -v targetfile /dev/mtdX

Setting management IP

If want to change the management IP, set with the misc binary and the admin_ip set" command. For example, if the management IP is like

#ONT/system/misc> admin_ip set

If want to change the management IP NetMask, set with the misc binary and the admin_mask set" command. For example, if the management IP Mask is like

#ONT/system/misc> admin_mask set

Random notes

Bricked Stick Repair

If the stick is bricked, it can be repaired by accessing uboot from the UART.

If Stick fails to boot, uboot will enable text input.

ERROR: can't get kernel image!

Download Stick’s mtd dump from mtd dump.

Enable nand with the following command:

SATURN# spi_nand probe 0
SPI_NAND ID: 0x12c200
SPI-NAND: MX35LF1GE4AB is found.

Receive the file with the loadb command.

SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...

Using Tera Term, send the Kernel image (mtd3 or mtd6) by kermit transfer.

XGS-ONU-25-20NI Repair
XGS-ONU-25-20NI Repair

Erase NAND and write the transferred kernel.

SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003500000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000003500000 0x600000

Receive the file with the loadb command. and Using Tera Term, send the rootfs image (mtd4 or mtd7) by kermit transfer.

SATURN# loadb 0x81000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x81000000 at 115200 bps...

Erase NAND and write the transferred rootfs.

SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003b00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x81000000 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x81000000 0x000003b00000 0x2800000

When the Stick is turned back on, it will boot with the transferred kernel and rootfs.

Known Bugs

  • There is a bug in the register_id command in the misc binary that changes the value of pon_passwd(LOID Password) instead of register_id(PLOAM).

Miscellaneous Links

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